Sunday, September 30, 2012

Timeless Dreams

The other day I was looking at my titles on Amazon, and I noticed they finally include the "Timeless Dreams" classification. The King's Tale was among the very first books published by Dreamspinner Press in the Timeless Dreams category.

A Timeless Dreams title: While reaction to same-sex relationships throughout time and across cultures has not always been positive, these stories celebrate M/M love in a manner that may address, minimize, or ignore historical stigma.

I'm glad to see this included in Amazon's description of the book, because I have received complaints that the books are not historically accurate when it comes to homosexual history. As I have stated countless times, I chose to ignore the history. It isn't that I was clueless about it, I did research it. My goal with the books was to write classic historical romance novels, like the m/f novels I grew up reading, only with two men instead of a man and a woman. That is why I was glad that DSP had, and still has, this category.

At the end of the day, I'd rather read about the romance.

Monday, September 17, 2012

The King's Heart Reviewed!

Stop by to read about a fantastic review for The King's HeartHere!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Passionate Cooks

Coming soon from All Romance eBooks...the Passionate Cooks free eBook...more details soon!

FYI...this free eBook includes a recipe for the Dreamy Pasta Salad...courtesy of Rowena Sudbury!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Red Sunset

Yesterday I finished the rough draft on a story called "Red Sunset." It is the sequel for "Blue Moon"...if you're interested in reading an un-edited excerpt, stop by over here .