It took me three years to write The King's Tale primarily because I wasn't writing it with the intent to get it published. I was writing it for myself, so I didn't have a huge push to get it done. I submitted it fully expecting it to be rejected, and was overjoyed to find it wasn't. My own name for it is TKT, that's what I refer to it as when I talk with my dear friend Danyel.
So, TKT took me three years, and the new novel, Promises and Lies, I'm working on is nearing completion of the first rough draft after only 6 months. I'm midway through chapter twenty five, and have finally decided there will be one additional chapter and an epilogue. With editing and rewriting, I figure at least another two to three months before it's ready to submit.
I'm excited about it, it's pretty much a straight romance, imo a very sweet story.
The Ides of March conquered me today, so I had to give up on writing, but I'm feeling very hopeful and optimistic.
ALL QUEERS MUST DIET Antonio Buy on In a world where no one is
who they seem to be and everybody has secrets… how do you find the truth?
Maynard ...
9 years ago